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Pet Bucket Blog

5 Tiedettävää Liikunta karsinat Koirat

 Michelle 20. Sy 2014 |
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If you're considering purchasing an exercise pen, check out the following questions and answers to determine whether or not a pen is suitable for you and your dog. 

1. What are exercise pens used for?
Liikunta kynät ovat täydellinen tapa, jolla voit pitää koirasi turvassa samalla heille tilaa pelata, ei väliä, jos se on sisällä tai ulkona. Se antaa koiran alueen omia polttaa energiaa ja pitää heidät turvassa, ja suojaa esineet. Lisäksi liikunta kynät voi olla hyvä tapa esitellä uusia koiria ja pitää stressiä molempien koirien vähintään. He yleensä valmistettu metallista tai muovista, ja on helppo varastoida, liikkuva, ja täydellinen erilaisissa ympäristöissä. Muistaa: 
säilytysaitausten ei tehdä oman koiran jättää valvomatta.

2. Mitkä koirarodut ovat ne hyviä?
Exercise pens are great for many breeds of dogs, especially for those with an active disposition. Puppies in particular are great candidates for pens, allowing you to contain them and monitor their play. Unfortunately, larger breeds may be able to knock them over, defeating the entire purpose of the pen.
3. What are the disadvantages of exercise pens?
While exercise pens are strong, they have some limitations: they should not be used with a multitude of dogs or larger dogs that can knock them over. Also, it's important to keep in mind that exercise pens are not a substitute for actual exercise that your dog needs to stay healthy and happy. 

4. What should I look for when purchasing an exercise pen?
The pen should be taller than your dog while it’s standing on its hind legs to insure they cannot jump out. Furthermore, the pen should be sturdy enough to hold up to lively playing and should be escape-proof.

5. What's the best way to set up the pen?
The pens should be kept on an even surface so your dog cannot easily knock it over; thankfully these pens are able to be configured in a 
variety of shapes so they can fit in an assortment of areas around your house where your dog will be safe. Because the pens are adjustable in shape, you may be able to adjust the panels to allow your dog access to their crate if they are tired of playing.

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