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Pet Bucket Blog

16 Kissat ja koirat Ready For Bikini Season

 Michelle on 21 maaliskuu 2017 |
Ei kommenttia
1. "Herrrrrroooo summer!"

2. "Bikini pose? Check."
3. "Life is better by the pool!"

4. "Voi, tämä vanha juttu !?"
5. "Eläköön kesä!"

6. "Summertime ja elintaso on helppo."
7. "Bikini season is my favorite season."
8. "Varmasti pukeudun SPF 100."
9. "Does this print make me look fat?"
10. Somebody's fabulous!
11. Now that's an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini!

12. "Happiness is a day at the pool."
13. "I'm sexy and I know it."

14. "I worked hard for this bikini body."

15. Nothing wrong with sporting a one-piece!
16. "Anteeksi, Peität sun!"

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