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RX tarvitaan vahva ote
Kaikki tällä hetkellä myymämme tuotteet ovat "over the counter" -tuotteita maassa, johon ne on lähetetty, eikä lääkemääräystä vaadita.
Kysymykseni on - jos Stronghold on identtinen vallankumous, miksi vallankumous niin paljon enemmän? Tai Stronghold niin paljon vähemmän - kumpi tapa haluat katsoa sitä. Kiitos!
Molemmat tuotteet tuotetaan eri markkinoille. Heillä on erilainen kustannuslaskenta ja lisenssimaksut jne. Näin ollen ero hinta.
Koirani on 145 kiloa. Olisiko Käytän 2 näistä per annos?
Koirille yli 40 kg tai 88 kg on suositeltavaa käyttää sopivaa yhdistelmää putkista. Koirat: Enintään 2.5 kg 1 putki Stronghold 15 mg (ruusunpunainen yläosa) 2.6 - 5.0 kg 1 Stronghold 30 mg putki (Violetti värillinen pää) 5.1 - 10.0 kg1 Stronghold 60 mg (Ruskea värillinen pää) 10.1 - 20.0 kg1 putki Stronghold 120 mg (punainen päällinen) # 20.1 - 40.0 kg1 putki Stronghold 240 mg (vihreä värillinen pää) #
On Stronghold ja vallankumous vedenpitävä? Olen lab joka rakastaa uida!
We are solely a distributor of genuine pet care products however we found the following excerpt from a licensed veterinarian website which should prove helpful:


6) Is Revolution flea treatment waterproof? Can I get my dog or cat wet after using it?>/p>

According to the manufacturer, Revolution flea control will maintain its efficacy after periods of wetting. The manufacturer states that dogs and cats who bathe (including shampooing), swim and who are wetted by rainfall will still be protected by Revolution so long as such wetting does not occur within 2 hours of the Revolution being applied (24 hours in cats).

Revolution for pets should only be applied to clean, dry skin, never wet skin. It is recommended that dogs and cats not be bathed for at least 2 hours following application of the spot-on, however, if you want to play it safe, I recommend keeping the animal dry wherever possible for the first 2-3 days following the application of any spot-on, just to be sure. The article below (studied and sent in for publication by the Revolution manufacturer) only bathed cats 24+ hours after the spot-on was applied, so I can not say for certain whether Revolution flea control will remain effective in this species if you wet it less than a day after Revolution application. If you want to play it safe, leave cats and dogs unwetted for at least 24 hours (or, better yet, 2-3 days) after application of the Revolution for pets product (but don't panic if your pet gets wet a little sooner - Pfizer has done the tests and the product will most likely be water-fast should your pet sneak off for a quick dip in the pool a bit sooner than you expected). A 2000 article published by Pfizer in Veterinary Parasitology examined heartworm prevention using Selamectin. 6 different studies were conducted using dogs and cats. Dogs were infected with L3 heartworm larvae 30 days, 45 days or 60 days before a single topical dose of Selamectin was given (6mg/kg). Cats were infected with L3 heartworm larvae 30 days before the single topical dose of Selamectin was given at label doses (6mg/kg). Some animals were even shampooed between 2 and 96 hours after treatment with revolution for pets (cats that were bathed were bathed at 24 hours after dosing). According to the abstract, "Selamectin was 100% effective in preventing heartworm development in dogs when administered as a single topical dose of ... 6mgkg at 30 days after infection, ... 6mgkg(-1) at 45 days after infection, or 6mgkg at 60 days after infection. Selamectin was 100% effective against heartworm infections in cats when administered as a single topical unit dose of 6mgkg." Bathing did not impact the effectiveness. The abstract for the above article actually states: "Bathing with water or shampoo between 2 and 96h after treatment did not reduce the efficacy of selamectin as a heartworm prophylactic in dogs. Likewise, bathing with shampoo at 24h after treatment did not reduce the efficacy of selamectin in cats."
Onko tämä tuote turvallinen noin minun kissa?
Kyllä, se on täysin turvallinen.