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Filtered by tag ('tips and tricks')

Uuden kissan kotitaloudelle: Vinkkejä menestykseen

 Jaime 01. toukokuuta 2014 |
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Image credit Cats are known for their independence, but that does not mean they do not enjoy companionship. If you are away from home for long stretches of time, your solo cat could get lonely and depressed. Introducing a new cat into the household c...

Jos näkyy seuraavassa koiran olla Shelter Koira?

 Jaime 29 Hu 2014 |
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If you are looking for a new four-legged family member, there are many reasons to head to the local animal shelter inste...

Miten kissasi See You?

 Danielle 29 Hu 2014 |
1Kommentti (s)
Anthrozoologist Dr. John Bradshaw has spent years studying the domestic house cat to discover more about their habits an...

Käsittelevät eroahdistusta Pentuja

 Jaime 24 Hu 2014 |
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Leaving behind your little bundle of fur even for a few hours is unpleasant, but for your puppy it can be a devastating experience. After being separated from their mother and siblings, many dogs will worry that their owner has also left them forever...

Seitsemän syytä Love Burman Kissat

 Jaime 22 Hu 2014 |
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While Burmese cats have attracted less attention than some other similar breeds (most notably Siamese), those who have o...

Top Five Kesä turvallisuusvinkkejä koirallesi

 by Wai 08 Hu 2014 |
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Your dog is a cherished member of your family. Therefore, you usually have to treat your pet as you would handle a young...

Koiran koulutus: saatat lähettää ristiriitaisia ​​merkkejä

 by Wai 05 Marissa 2014 |
2Kommentti (s)
Humans have been training dogs for thousands of years.  So naturally, you might assume that we would have it down to a science by now.  But all too often, new dog owners contribute to canine misbehavior by making honest mistakes that send mixed signa...

Pentu potta koulutus - Neljä askelta menestyksekkäästi potta kouluttaa koirasi

 by Wai 19 Hel 2014 |
1Kommentti (s)
It's one of the indisputable laws of nature: what goes in one end must come out the other. It's the question of when and...

Saada uusi koira? Miten sopeutua Family Cat

 by Wai 13 Hel 2014 |
1Kommentti (s)
Bringing a new dog or puppy home is an exciting and joyful time for families, but the furry newcomer may not be a welcom...

Walking Koiran: 6 Vinkkejä Luodaan Pack Leadership

 by wai on 09 Dec 2013 |
7Kommentti (s)
Sillä ei ole väliä, jos olet kävely vain yksi koira tai 10 kerrallaan; voit pitää ne samassa linjassa, jos olet luonut itsesi pakkaus johtaja. Tässä on kuusi vinkkejä kävely koiran tavalla, joka muodostaa oman viranomainen. 1. Käytä lyhyt talutushihna kä ...
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