Emme ole aivan siellä vielä, mutta lasku lähestyy. Vaikka se on kaunis aika vuodesta ja joka sekä sinun ja koira voi nauttia, siellä on uusia haasteita ja vaaroja voit olla tietoinen ja suojaavat koiraasi. 1. pukeutua lämpimästi On ...
Being responsible for the health and wellbeing of a cat is a huge responsibility and a large part of that is your abilit...
Is your dog weighing much less that it's supposed to? It's important for dogs to maintain a healthy weight and in fact, ...
Liikunta, leikkiä, mielenterveyden edistäminen ja sosiaalistumisen ovat tärkeitä koiran hyvinvoinnin, terveyden ja kehityksen. Nämä toimet myös minimoi ikävystyminen, tuhoisaa ja toivottua käyttäytymistä, kuten purukumit huonekalut ja haukkuu kun yksin. Howeve ...
Cats are generally not as social as dogs. In fact, cats naturally hunt alone and often prefer solitude. But, each breed ...
The old adage ‘You’re never too old to learn something new’ just as neatly applies to dogs as it does to people. Old dog...
Clipping a cat’s nails is no easy task. Keeping a struggling cat still while trying to get the clippers around the right nail and making sure not to take off too much is challenging to say the least. Inevitably, accidents sometimes happen.
If you ...
Children absolutely love having a family dog around and no doubt are always keen to join you when you take your pal o...
Bringing home a kitten is an exciting time, full of transition, discovery and plenty of cute moments. Before you know...
If you're thinking about adopting a new cat, have you considered taking home an older cat to become your new forever friend. While many people feel that they may only have a few good years left with an adult cat, don't forget that many cats can li...