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Side Effects of Advantage Flea Hoito

 Simone 07 päivänä toukokuuta 2014 |
57Kommentti (s)

kuva luotto
On totta, rehellisesti Jon Snow et voi lopettaa rakkaimman lemmikkieläimiä kirppuja ja täitä yksinkertaisesti käärimällä ne pumpuliin ... takit, joka on. Voi rohkea, komea, typerä Jon Snow.

Onneksi Jon ja meille muille, mikä hoito Advantage on helposti saatavilla. Sitä voidaan käyttää koirille 7 viikon tai vanhempi, ja kissat 8 viikkoa tai vanhempia, sekä kaneja ja fretit. Se on myös turvallinen raskaana oleville ja imettäville eläimille. Varmista puhut eläinlääkäriin jos koira on lääkitystä, jos muut torjunta-aineet ovat jo käytössä, tai jos koira on alipainoinen, vanhusten tai huonokuntoisille.

Advantage toimii paralyyttistä nopeasti tappaa aikuisten kirppujen ja toukat (ei munat) ja siksi rikkoo elinkaaren ajan lemmikkien vihatuimpia vihollisia.

Kun sovelletaan, hermostoa kirppuja ja täitä vastaan ​​hyökätään. Ne halvaantunut ja kuolevat vain minuutin päässä joutuisi kosketuksiin Advantage - he eivät edes tarvitse purra lemmikkisi vaikuttaa. Kirput lopettaa pureskelu viiden minuutin kuluessa hakemuksen, ja on kuollut 20 minuutin kuluessa yhteydenotosta. Etu tappaa 98-100% nykyisistä kirput 12 tunnin kuluessa hakemuksen ja tuhoaa 99% kirpuntoukille lemmikkieläinten ympäristössä. 

Etuna on helppokäyttöinen ja pysyy voimassa kuukauden. On jopa vedenpitävä niin toimii edelleen jälkeen uintiin, laaja lätäkkö tai mutaa liikkuvan (tiedät kuka olet!) Tai niille märkää rakastava, myrskybongaus lemmikit. 

Se levitetään läpi takki koiran tai kissan ihon ja leviää koko ihon öljykerros. On olemassa erilaisia ​​annoksia saatavilla, jotka riippuvat painosta lemmikin. Varmistaa ostat oikean annostus lemmikin ja että kaikkiin suuntiin noudatetaan tarkasti. Punnitse koirasi tai kysy eläinlääkäriltä punnita heitä - eivät yksinkertaisesti arvaa ja soveltaa annostus on mielestäsi oikein.

Etuna on ulkoinen hoito ja ei saa päästää lemmikin silmiin tai suuhun. Pienille ja keskisuurille koirille, se on sijoitettu pois nuolee ulottumattomissa selässä lapaluiden väliin, ja kissa juuressa kallo. Suurille koirille yli 25kg, annos on jaettu lapaluiden väliin, takana välillä lantion ja toisessa pisteessä keskellä. 

Kuten tahansa lääketieteelliseen hoitoon, voi olla pieni osa eläinten yksilölliseen herkkyyteen. Aina seurata lemmikkisi heti käytön jälkeen ja muutaman päivän kuluttua. Jos viitteitä haittavaikutuksista tai jos lemmikkisi terveydelle pahenee, ota välittömästi eläinlääkäriin.

kuva luotto

Hiustenlähtö ja ihoärsytystä
Minor ihoärsytystä on yhteinen antokohdassa, varsinkin jos se on lemmikkisi ensimmäinen käsittely. Jäykistyminen tai kosteisiin ulkonäköä hiukset, kutinaa, punoitusta tai punertava iho saattaa esiintyä, mutta nämä ovat tilapäisiä haittavaikutuksia. Toisinaan hiustenlähtö esiintyy myös. Tämä on yleensä kertaluonteinen ja hiukset kasvavat takaisin 1-2 viikon kuluessa. Jos hiustenlähtö leviää vai ei kasva tuolloin yhteyttä eläinlääkäriin.

Eläimet, joilla on herkkä iho voi kehittyä haavaumia, jotka voivat vuotaa verta jos naarmuuntunut, jakaa tai avata ja sitten saada tartunnan. Tarkista sovelluksen sivustolla säännöllisesti, ja jos näitä oireita ilmenee käydä eläinlääkärillä. 

Lääkkeet haju
Esiintyvyys on alhainen omistajat ovat huomanneet, että heidän lemmikki on lääkkeiden-tyyppinen haju hoidon jälkeen. Tämä ei ole vaarallista tai haitallista, ja kestää vain muutaman päivän tai viikon kuluttua hakemuksen.


Joutumista silmiin
Jos lemmikkisi onnistuu saamaan hoitoa niiden silmissä, huuhtele silmät välittömästi runsaalla vedellä ja ota yhteyttä eläinlääkäriin.  

Harvinaiset ja vakavia sivuvaikutuksia
Vakavat haittavaikutukset ovat harvinaisia, yleensä vain esiintyy eläinten kanssa yksilölliseen herkkyyteen tai allergioita tuotteen aktiiviset ainesosat tai ovat seurausta vahingossa nielty tai virhe käytön tuotteelle sen merkkien pitäisi olla havaittavissa nopeasti ja kaikissa olosuhteissa, välitön eläinlääkärin on panostettava, jos huomaat jotakin seuraavista: 

  • Menetys apetite, lisäys jano, oksentelu, ripuli tai kuolaaminen - Muista hakea Advantage ohjeiden, ulottumattomissa lemmikkisi suuhun. Tuotteella on karvas maku, jonka pitäisi estää nuoleminen ja nieltynä. Jos tarpeeksi niellään, se voi aiheuttaa vatsavaivoja ja ruokahaluttomuutta. Oksentelu, ripuli, ylimäärä syljeneritystä, kuolaaminen ja kasvu jano osoittaa liiallisen nauttimisen tai haittavaikutuksena.
  • Oppilas laajentumista, silmien ärsytystä tai lisääntynyt kyyneleritys


  • Hengitysvaikeudet, ataksia (liikkeen ongelmat), kaatuminen, vapina tai kouristuksia


  • Epänormaali nukkuminen, uneliaisuus tai ei-vasteen


  • Outoa käyttäytymistä, masennus tai yliaktiivisuus

Kuten edellä on mainittu, vakavia reaktioita pidetään hyvin harvinaista Advantage , kun sitä sovelletaan ohjeiden. Ylimääräisenä varotoimena on parasta tarkkailla ja erottaa hoidettujen eläinten 30-60 minuuttia, jotta ne eivät nuole oman hakemuksensa sivuston tai muiden eläinten. Muuten, Advantage on erittäin helppoa ja tehokasta hoitoa varmistuttava rakkaan lemmikin ei tule kerrostaloista elävät kirput ja täitä. 


Kommentti (s)57

Jade  - Comment
Jade 08. lokakuuta 2017Reply
if i feel like my cat is having a reaction, can i wash the area?
Nancy Christie - Comment
Nancy Christie07 kesäkuuta 2018Reply
Käytimme Advantage Multi -tabletteja muulla tavoin terveellisellä Chesapeake Bay Retrueverillä kirpputarkastukseen. 12 tunnin sisällä hänet peitettiin kuumilla paikoilla ja 24 tunnin kuluessa hän oli sokea ja epätoivoinen. Eläinlääkäri kertoo, että ÄLÄ KOSKAAN käytä tätä tuotetta uudelleen. Mitä nyt?? Rakas koira on nyt sokea. Minun neuvoni on, jos rakastat koirasi, älä käytä tätä Advantage Multiia. Se on myrkkyä enemmän kuin kirppuja. Voi ja mainitsin, että se aiheuttaa lisääntymisongelmia? Niin paljon kasvatusohjelmani nyt. Hän oli linjan loppu ja nyt se on ohi. Ei metsästystä, ei uintia. Opimme tekemään hänen sokeutensa. Tämän yrityksen on lopetettava tämän tuotteen valmistaminen.
Sarah Peacock - Comment
Sarah Peacock07 kesäkuuta 2018Reply
Hi, I am not using Advantage mullti but just Advantage on my dog, do you think this is ok?
Rebecca Smith - Comment
Rebecca Smith13 kesäkuuta 2018Reply
Käytin tätä 1 vuoden vanha siamilainen kissa, ei koskaan enää. Hänellä oli hiustenlähtöä sovelluspaikalla. Hiukset kasvoivat, joten antoi hänelle toisen app kuukautta myöhemmin. Hänellä oli vakava reaktio, kuolaava, letarginen, leukan vapina. Kaikki tapahtui 4 - 5 päivän kuluttua Advantage II: n soveltamisesta. Minulle kerrottiin, jos yritän sitä uudelleen, ikävä Maci kuolee.
Charles Edward - Comment
Charles Edward14 kesäkuuta 2018Reply
Minun chihuahua on äärimmäinen reaktio etuna multi 2 päivää sitten. Silmien turvotus, korvien ärsytys, pään kallistus, ripuli, letargia, vapina, nopea hengitys. Tämä ei ole ensimmäinen kerta, kun hänellä on reaktio, mutta se on äärimmäisen kauhistuttava. En koskaan anna minulle mitään koiria, kuten kaksi muuta tätä myrkkyä koskaan uudestaan. Olemme valmiita viemään hänet hätä-eläinlääkäreihin, kutsumme ja järjestämme kaiken järjestelyn, kun hänen hengitys muuttuu jälleen nopeasti tänä iltana. Hän nukkuu nyt ja rukoilemme, että se vain huolehtii huomenna. Tämä tuote on 100-prosenttinen myrkyllinen. Älä usko, mitä joku kertoo sinulle, myös eläinlääkäreille. Köyhä pikkuvelini on tämän myrkytyksen markkinoinnin uhri. En koskaan anna heille enää tätä paskaa, ja kerron jokaiselle ihmiselle, mistä tiedän, mistä koiran koiran kokemus oli.
Älä anna etua monille eläimille, ajanjaksolle.
sarh peacock - Comment
sarh peacock14 kesäkuuta 2018Reply
What about Advantage, not Advantage multi please? Advantage multi has two ingredients, Advantage only one, Imedacloprid.
Charles - Comment
Charles14 kesäkuuta 2018Reply
After our experience we don’t use any of these things on our dogs. Never again.
There are holistic versions made of essential oils we have instead. We will never use these toxic medicines in our dogs ever again. Lesson learned.
Elisabet Sigurdsson - Comment
Elisabet Sigurdsson14 kesäkuuta 2018Reply
I applied it to both my dog's just the normal one the terrier is okay but my Bull dog is now having a reaction it's really scary, I won't be using it again
Charles - Comment
Charles14 kesäkuuta 2018Reply
Call your vet but ours said we can give a little bit of Benadryl to stop the allergic reaction. Don’t ever use this poison again it’s not necessary!
Louise - Comment
Louise23 kesäkuuta 2018Reply
My Binky sen jälkeen, kun etua istuu hiljaa, sitten hyppää juoksuja ja hisses En tiedä mitä tehdä
Allison Turner - Comment
Allison Turner29 kesäkuuta 2018Reply
Etuna koiran kirppu käsittely.
Kip - Comment
Kip31 Aug 2018Reply
Advantage II Cat Flea Treatment on vaarallinen. Käytin tuotetta kissaani oikein ... oikean painon pienikissa, ensimmäisen sovelluksen 5-vuotiaana, sisätiloissa kissa, ei koiria kotona myös nuolla, levitettiin kaulan takaosaan, oli terve kissa, erottunut muista 2 kissat kuivana. Se aiheutti pyriproksifeenimyrkytyksen ... kouristuskohtaukset, osittainen halvaus kohtauksista, letargia, nuoleminen ja ruokahaluttomuus. Takavarikkoja ei voitu hallita. Huomaa, minä myös kylpein häntä lievässä astianpesuaineessa, kun oireet ilmestyivät. Minun piti laittaa hänet nukkumaan. Advantage II valmistaja Bayer ei tunnista ongelmia, mutta löydät samankaltaisia ​​tapauksia verkossa. Advantage II ei ole turvallinen pakanhoidon vaihtoehto (eikä se toimi).
TMorga - Comment
TMorga31 Aug 2018Reply
I adopted a new kitty. Put advantage II on her, she has a huge bald spot. This was 4 days ago. I will not use it again.
Brenda - Comment
Brenda31 Aug 2018Reply
Same. Placed it on my cat and next day his fur fell off around medication site. Not using this again!
Juan arenas - Comment
Juan arenas31 Aug 2018Reply
Pésima experiencia con ese producto , le dio alergia a mi mascota, sacudiendo las orejas todo el tiempo, no puede dormir ni comer , le aplicaron un corticoide y no le ha servido , deben prohibir esa porquería.
Susan - Comment
Susan09. syyskuuta 2018Reply
Käytimme eduksi Jack Russellissa 4 päivää sitten. Hän alkoi raapia itseään paljon, kun käytin sitä, mutta ajattelimme vain, että hän oli kylvyssä päivää aiemmin. Hän on nyt heittänyt kolme kertaa tänä iltana. Hänen oksentelu on selvää, mutta oksennuksen yläosassa näyttää olevan vaahtoava tai puuvillainen aine. Se on lauantai-ilta, joten eläinlääkäri on suljettu ja kaikki muutkin. Emme asu eläinlääkärin lähellä, joka voi olla auki. Voiko joku kertoa minulle, mitä voisimme tehdä. Juuri nyt hän tärisee ja tärisee. Kiitos mahdollisista neuvoja. Muuten hän on nuori 14-vuotias ja harvoin antaa hänelle kirpputoreja. Olimme työskennelleet koko päivän maanantaina ja hän halusi olla ulkona kanssamme. Huomasimme, että hänellä oli pari kirppua, kun saimme talon. Päätimme käyttää sitä ja toivon, että emme olleet.
Briana Harden - Comment
Briana Harden16. syyskuuta 2018Reply
Olen etsinyt verkossa nähdäksesi arvosteluja tai valituksia tästä tuotteesta. Pelastukseni BullPeiilla on ollut tämä 2x eikä molemmilla kerroilla, kun hän sai valtavia hampaita ja kystatä kooltaan ja raahasi itsensä raakana monissa paikoissa. Mietin, mitä muita tuotteita kukaan voisi suositella. Kiitos.
Susan minä hop vauva on ok, ja olen pahoillani, että on tapahtunut.
Helen webb - Comment
Helen webb28. syyskuuta 2018Reply
My puppy has suffered from seizures since she had started to have the Advantage
Suzanne - Comment
Suzanne29. syyskuuta 2018Reply
My German Shepherd is having a reaction. He's etheric and won't eat and very thirsty. He is my everything! You are selling an unsafe product! I will bring the biggest lawsuit you have ever seen ! My precious boy better be okay..I will never forgive myself for using this! You need to take this off the market now!
Valerie Fry - Comment
Valerie Fry29. syyskuuta 2018Reply
Please tell me your dog is ok now after this incident
Mike - Comment
Mike18 Jan 2019Reply
I used on my cat, "Advantage II", but never again, made the cat crazy, he bit and scratched me. He ran around the house. I called the Vet he told me to wash the cat and watch for foaming of the mouth and seizures. After the washing he seemed to settle down, I do not advise anyone to use this product, it can kill your cat.
Hopecope@aol.com - Comment
How long did this last , my cats are acting crazy
mik - Comment
mik18 Jan 2019Reply
Advantage II made my cats very sick, Vet had me wash the cats and watch to make sure they didn't foam at the mouth or go into convulsions. I am so ashamed I didn't know better, I almost lost my best friends. Do not use this product, it can kill an animal. They did continue to salivate for a while but did settle down. I feel so sick from this, Ill never use anything like this again for fleas. I cant imagine if it had killed my pets how I would feel. I live alone with my 2 best friends, I would die inside if anything happened to "my boys".
Rozena - Comment
Rozena07 Mar 2019Reply
I use Advantage II with my med sized dog and every time we do a treatment she scratches out of control, won’t eat and seems depressed. I’ve been trying to figure out what it was and have now discovered it is the Advantage II topical flea treatment that we just finished (we had the 6 month supply). I feel so bad for her. She doesn’t even have a flea issue when we don’t use it, I just use it to protect her. I’d rather just stop using it and if we notice flea, then treat. This stuff is poison to my dog.
Veronica  - Comment
Veronica 24 Mar 2019Reply
We put Advantage multi on our Beagle puppy this morning. Now his pupils are dilated, excessive drewling, depressed, won't eat and wobbles when he walks around. I feel terrible I don't know what to do. Our vet is closed. When I called they said benadryl and go ahead and give him a bath. Praying he makes it through the night and is ok in the morning. I'm so scared. Any suggestions?
Shirl - Comment
Shirl15 Apr 2019Reply
I used advantage on two of my jack russels. One was 12 and 14. The 12 yr old was my daughters. We noticed a strong smell from the fkea stuff. We tried to wash it off. She started getting really sick and lathargic. She passed withing 7 days of use. She was up and playing then one day took a turn for the worse. We could not figure out what hapoened to her. I used the same batch on my dog a few weeks later. 5 days after use the same thing happen to him. He could not get up. He could not even out his head up. He could not eat . We thought this was the end for him. Its the weekend. No vet. I have been giving him 10 mg bennydryl around the clock. He is now up and walking and eating like nothing happened. Never again will i trust any toxin on my pets. He is highly alergic to fleas. I thought this would help him. We will find another way to deal with the fleas. It only takes 1 flea for him to have a bad reaction. I think 1 flea is better than being posioned. Maybe, this is the new batch they made because fleas are amused to the old batch. Imagine what they had to do to make something that would kill the fleas. Our poor furbabies are guniea pigs.
Dale - Comment
Dale03 kesäkuuta 2019Reply
After moving from a state where there are no fleas to California, ( lots of fleas) I used Advantage 2. Within hours my 6 year old cat "Marshmello" showed signs of a severe reaction: watery eyes, nose, and increased salivation. But the worst part was he lost the use of his back legs ! My vet examined him, and after a series of expensive blood tests stated that everyday cats come in with reactions from using advantage 2, and while the drooling and watery eyes would go away the paralysis might be permanent. It's been 3 months now and my cat is still 95% paralyzed in his back legs. Advantage 2 is a dangerous neurotoxin. DO NOT use this product !
Patty - Comment
Patty03 kesäkuuta 2019Reply
So sorry to hear about your cat. My cat is having a bad reacion also and I am fearful.
Dalr - Comment
Dalr03 kesäkuuta 2019Reply
Patty, I'm so sorry to hear about your fur baby. As for my Marshmallow, after several months, 3 different veterinarians, numerous laboratory tests, $2,000+ in vet bills, he is doing better. the neurotoxins in advantage II caused him irreparable nerve damage, therefore he has been put on phenobarbital to control his seizures. He now has approximately 30% use of his back legs. To control his fleas, we use Comfortis, which is only available by prescription but works wonderfully. Wishing you all the best with your fur baby.
z - Comment
z03 kesäkuuta 2019Reply
Hello, I used Advantage II (large cat) on my completely healthy cat 11 year old cat and within the next few days he started showing weakness in his hind legs. Still eating, drinking, etc, and doesn't seem to be in pain, but he was no longer able to jump, his back legs completely collapsed on him a few times and he's walking with a strange wobbly gait in only his hind legs. Took him to the vet where he had extensive bloodwork and x-rays. Everything looked normal. its now been about a month of symptoms. It hadn't occurred to me that it could have been the advantage. Does this sound like what happened to marshmello? thanks in advance for any help-- the only this the vet suggested was further testing such as an MRI which would be extremely expensive
Sheryl - Comment
Sheryl30. lokakuuta 2019Reply
I have been using Advantage Multi on my 2 cats and dog for over 3 months. I couldn’t figure out what suddenly went wrong with my otherwise health felines. My make lost half his fur and my female was lethargic, seemed depressed and was peeing large amounts of blood. $1500 later and nothing is working, I tried another flea medication in between another antibiotic because the advantage didn’t work anyway and suddenly my cats are back to normal. I never would gave thought this was causing it. My mother’s 2 dogs also became deathly ill and 1 almost passed away after applying the Advantage. Never again !
Shanta Swain - Comment
Shanta Swain30. lokakuuta 2019Reply
Sheryl, I’m so sorry you had to experience this. How terrifying. What was the other medication that worked without harm??? Please, I need help for my kids! Thank you!
Jocelyn Gonzalez - Comment
Jocelyn Gonzalez12 Mar 2020Reply
Use por primera vez advantage multi en mis dos gatos, ambos tuvieron reacciones desfavorables, la hembra presentó vómitos, temblores en extremidades, perdida de apetito, desánimo en general dejo de acicalarse y además presentó dificultades para respirar. Mi otro gato un macho presento hiperactividsd y un comportamiento extraño en general. NO LO RECOMIENDO EN ABSOLUTO, POR FAVOR DEJEN DE VENDERLO! ESTAN DAÑANDO A NUESTRAS MASCOTAS
Virginia  - Comment
Virginia 19 Apr 2020Reply
Just adopted a little 5 year old poodle 4 days ago from city adoption site. She was spaded, and given all her medicines including advantage plus all within 9 days. Alot of meds for a 6 pound dog. Today she had 2 seizures, and she walks a little funny. The vet said she thinks the seizures maybe just epilepsy. But when I looked at the meds she received I saw the advantage plus. Never to use this stuff again, it is poison to their system!
Donna - Comment
Donna10. toukokuuta 2020Reply
I used on my cat last night and right now I'm at an emergency vet as she is trembling and I'm afraid I'm going to lose her 😭
JB - Comment
JB10. toukokuuta 2020Reply
My cat 13yo has had a severe reaction. She has been in the vets for 3 days and even though she is now eating the tremors and twitching hasn’t stopped 😔 praying we don’t lose her.. Stay away from Advantage it is too dangerous
Sandra Prentiss - Comment
Sandra Prentiss20. toukokuuta 2020Reply
I just received my advantage II and I wish I would have read these first my cat is pregnant she jumped up and ran then threw up a bunch of foam I am so scared I hurt her and the babies I am crying and so afraid what have I done these are my babies I cannot lose them
Haley - Comment
Haley30 Jul 2020Reply
Okay so if i have a dog and a puppy and I just applied their flea stuff and they go to play.. if one bites the other where the flea stuff is are they gonna be fine or?
froz3nmgirl - Comment
froz3nmgirl15 Aug 2020Reply
I used advantage on my 17 month old bengal and I believe it has made him sick. He became very lethargic, high fever, no appetite. I took him to the vet and all of his lab work came back normal. I have read about advantage causing issues in other pets. I know that he didn't ingest any of the formula. I purchased the 4 pack for large cats as he did weight 12.5 pounds. He has lost some of that weight now.
Serina - Comment
Serina21. syyskuuta 2020Reply
Hello! I just applied the advantage II kitten on one of my kitties and the large cat on two of them. Unfortunately I read these after I applied it but don't feel comfortable with them using it, so I washed off the area with dawn soap within 30 minutes after I applied it, should my cats be okay?
Ashley  - Comment
Ashley 27. syyskuuta 2020Reply
Hi, I work at an animal hospital and im noticing a lot of clients here upset about the medicines they have been giving their pets. I just want to point out that while it IS a risk to put any of these products on your pets, it is no more of a risk individually as us buying medicine to treat our own ailments. Do some research before chosing a flea prevention. All dogs are different, just like people. Some may react terribly and some may have no issues arrise. At my hospital, we have VERY FEW patients who cannot take certain preventatives and we quickly find the solution because without these treatments, these babies can become so infested that it leads to Anemia and often organ failure, followed by death. Ticks can cause a multitude of diseases and disorders as well that also lead to death. To be honest, every day we all do things, take things, and eat things that could potentially kill or harm us. So, while it is terribly unfortunate to hear that some of your babies have had such a horrible experience, I do want to point out that our babies do need some of these options for protection. Please follow the rules and guidelines and watch the precautions. Some medications are better or worse than others. I do believe we, as a race of "intelligence", we could do SO much better for our furry kin.
Freddie - Comment
Freddie27. syyskuuta 2020Reply
My dog has been treated with every. other. treatment. on. the. market. I've worked in pet stores for half a decade, I have unlimited access to every product, and I vet him regularly and have used every prescription product, including sulfur baths. This shampoo, knowing the ludicrous number of complaints, is a last resort.

But I've got 3 acres in the country, and I woke up, walked to the kitchen, and my feet were covered in blood from all the ticks he brought in the house the night before, WITH treatment. He has gotten ehrlichia once, already. I had to try it.

If he has seizures and dies tonight, it will be far more humane than what he has gone through over the past four years with nonstop irritation and organ damage from ineffectual medicines and diseases brought by vermin. I would welcome it as an end to his suffering. But it isn't gonna happen.

Because I also know the public. Especially pet owners. They will crap their own pants and try to shove it in the mouths of anyone who disputes a word of their testimony because ThEy kNoW WhAt'S bEsT fOr ThEiR BaBiEs. They let them eat the polyester filling from a toy and then blame the stomach discomfort on a brand of food the vet recommended.

Every pet owner is a Karen. Ignore the bad reviews.
Gina Baccaro - Comment
Gina Baccaro03. lokakuuta 2020Reply
I put advantage on my healthy 12 year old cat . He developed huge cost like bumps on his neck and he lost fur all around his ears and at the area I applied it to on the back of his neck . I washed him w dawn soap but the damage is done . I feel so horrible for putting that poison on him . Never again . He’s miserable and I feel horrible for doing that to him . I did call a vet and they said 1/2 dose of children’s Benadryl . That seemed to help a little bit . Poor kitty king George . I hope he gets back to normal soon
Alejandra - Comment
Alejandra07 Nov 2020Reply
This is the third time using on one of my kittens and I found this site because I had googled side effects. I think she might of gotten some on her paw and licked a little bit of it. Washed the paw out and am now monitoring her. No big side effects after the first two applications and I have another kitten who also didn't get any side effects with both his applications. After reading all these comments I am freaking out. I've never had an issue with the prior two applications and actually saw a lot of good reviews for advantage II for small cats. Really hoping my baby won't have any major side effects.
Alejandra - Comment
Alejandra07 Nov 2020Reply
UPDATE: washed the area out with mild soap and water and made sure to dry it off. Kitty was fine afterwards. My other cat feel asleep belly up and it dried up on it's own. No side effects both applications on other cat. They are both 7 month old kittens and I used Advantage II for small cats. I don't think I will continue using it although I didn't have major side effects as many people stated here. I will probably look into maybe a flea collar or some other type of flea treatment.
Susan Westerman  - Comment
Susan Westerman 19 Nov 2020Reply
Used advantage on my 15 month old cat 4 days ago ever since she wont go near me she is very edgy and not eating properly she walks around with wide eyes like she's scared hopefully this will wear off and she'll be ok, i wish I knew how this would affect her there should be a warning about how dangerous this treatment is for animals.
Sandra Spring  - Comment
Sandra Spring 23 Nov 2020Reply
I switched to advanced 2 and noticed the next day my cat had diarrhea and it was so bad he couldn’t make it to his liter box now I have him shut in my bathroom now for three weeks and still having accidents but not as bad it’s a good thing I’ve noticed or everything would been ruined so never again on advantage 2!!
Matthew Stark  - Comment
Matthew Stark 03 Feb 2021Reply
Advantage is nasty... period! I've had to use this product because it's effective but it hurts the hell out of my cats. It burns their skin and the fumes from the alcohol content causes them both to squint. I feel like the meanest person in the world for having to use it on them.
They are indoor cats 24/7 but a neighbour in my apartment building allows her indoor/outdoor cat to wander the halls. He sits outside my door daily. I'm at a crossroad. I've tried all natural means and nothing has worked. The manager of the building doesn't care about this matter.
So, if anyone knows of something else that's harmless except to the fleas please inform me.
Anything from Hartz is an absolute no! I'm surprised that they're still still selling their flea collars. As for Bayer, the makers of Advantage, well that's another whole ball of evil.
(If this comment is erased, please know that's its entirety has been screenshot and will post this site, photos, etc., via all forms of media).
Sir Jaq - Comment
Sir Jaq03 Feb 2021Reply
It is horrible what my Jaq has been going through, he was the perfect guy. on June 12 he had is 1st dose of the season and has scratched his neck to the point of bleeding. it is now 3 wks later and he has started scratching and bleeding again. Bathing is Not an option. I feel horrible that i allowed my good boy to be tortured like this!
Why is this garbage on the market. DO NOT SUBJECT UR FUR BABY TO THIS!!!!
Matthew Stark  - Comment
Matthew Stark 03 Feb 2021Reply
My previous comment was definitely not directed to this site. It was pointed at Bayer the makers of Advantage.
I'm very thankful for this site, Petbucket for allow me to express my feelings of anger towards this product.
I get frustrated and write from the top of my head. I should self edit, yes.
Nathan Thomas  - Comment
Nathan Thomas 19 Feb 2021Reply
Hi, I recently put advantage on my 10 1/2 year old cat and he had 5 seizures in the slave of 40 minutes , I took him to the out of hours vets and they gave him an anti allergy injection which helped for 5 days and now today on the 6th day he has had 3 more seizures and idk what to do he’s been to the vets 3 times and is going again tomorrow in just under 14 hours, he is now asleep but since I’ve given him his file treatment he has been drooling from the mouth, he wobbly and then falls on his side and twitches, his breathing is also now heavy. It is so horrible to see and I just want him better, has anyone got any ideas if it isn’t the flea treatment, would be appreciated
Steph - Comment
Steph12 Mar 2021Reply
What if you have two dogs. They play a mouth each other, they will get the others back so what can be done to make this safe? Multi use pills are out due to seizures.
Matt - Comment
Matt03. toukokuuta 2021Reply
Used the Advantage II for Ferrets on both my ferrets. Never had any reactions or anything. Just like humans that take any medicine, pets taking medicine comes with a risk. Whether that be flea treatment, pain treatment or anything really.
Angelina R. - Comment
Angelina R.16 kesäkuuta 2021Reply
Just used Advantage Plus on our Carin terrier X and he has extremely bad chemical burns.
Called the company and was given a case # "in case the vet wants to know the active ingredients " He is miserable, we bathed him in Dawn dish soap then gave him 50mg of Benadryl also but Rx burn cream on the spots and had to put a shirt on him to make him stop scratching the burn spots. I am completely shocked at what this has done to him. There is no recourse if I take him to the Vet it's all on me....Ya I am not happy to say the least. Not sure what else to give him to calm him down and stop the itching.
BeckySue - Comment
BeckySue26 Aug 2021Reply
Cat freaking out. I used it on my siamese cat and within hours she started to have iritic behavior! I am on day 2 of trying to detox her with Chlorine Dioxide (MMS). She sleeps a lot and wants to be very very close to me. Hides under and sheet or blanket she can and twitches one of her ears. Other times she stares at a blank wall w/o blinking. Its like she has completely lost it at times. Never EVER again will I put those chemicals on her body -- that is if she makes it out of this :(
Kat n - Comment
Kat n26 Aug 2021Reply
I used Advantage multi on my 7 year old cat that I got from my vet . A day after she started getting sick didn’t eat or drink water looked really depressed . Took her to pet urgent care . They did a ultrasound and found that her intestines are inflamed . She got some antibiotics and other meds .
Jenna - Comment
Jenna28. lokakuuta 2021Reply
I've used Advantage Spot On for years and my cats have been fine until their latest application. It appears to have turned my cats neck blue!
Luckily he seems to be okay in himself but I can't see anything about this online.
Rather bizzare.
Josh McDowell - Comment
Josh McDowell18 Nov 2021Reply
Vet gave to our 4 month old English bulldog, applied it late last night and 12 hours later he’s in a coma, thought he was just sleeping til I tried to wake him up to feed and he was just limp, then as I tried waking him he’d begin seizing and go limp right away. Currently at the vet but please please avoid this poison. We are sooo upset. Should have researched it but just assumed the vet prescribed it so figured it was safe for a perfectly healthy pup. This shouldn’t be an option for any animal.
Paul Smith - Comment
Paul Smith17 Dec 2021Reply
My cat almost died...still in observation at the vet..he has suffered terrible fits of shaking...cannot walk, crying, fits and total misery. Please don't use Advantage if you love your pet, it's poison, expect nerve damage and kidney failure.
Stefanie  - Comment
Stefanie 03 Jan 2022Reply
This product is horrible
I used this on my 9 year old Jack Russell on Thursday night when I woke up Friday morning he throat was so swollen he has burns on his skin. Hives all over his back and the rest of his skin red raw. I was petrified.
My 8 year old Jack Russell has sores on his skin too and not eaten his dinner since.
I’m so sorry to read all these stories.
I will never ever use it again!
Tracy - Comment
Tracy23 Feb 2022Reply
I administered Advantage multi on my two 3 year old pups and senior dog on Friday night.On Saturday one of the pups was not eating and lethargic. He also had diarrhea. On Sunday, he drank some water and vomited. He seemed to be getting better until I came home from work Monday and he had died. I’ll never use it again.
Carol Barlow  - Comment
Carol Barlow 30 Apr 2022Reply
Hi my vet issued advantage flea treatment for my lop eared 18month old rabbit on Tuesday although he didn’t have fleas he had a very small sore at the side of his eye, he’s a house rabbit, within 18hrs my rabbit started to fall over, I took him straight back to the vet and he said it could be E cuniculi which is fatal, and completely dismissed my concern it could be the flea treatment, we are now in day 3 and he is getting worse, I don’t know what to do, please can anyone give me advise
Lou - Comment
Lou19 kesäkuuta 2022Reply
Gave my puppy the correct dosage of advantage flea treatment and 48 hours later he suddenly won't settle to go to bed and has had diarrhoea, he did it in his cage for the first time ever . Wonder if this is a coincidence or a reaction?
Sue Smith - Comment
Sue Smith19 kesäkuuta 2022Reply
Take him to the vet, he is having a bad reaction to the medication
Sue Smith - Comment
Sue Smith25 kesäkuuta 2022Reply
Gave my mastiff Advantage multi and 5 hours later, he could no longer walk. He is at the emergency vet now- they said he was also partially blind Praying 🙏 that they can save him and get this poison out of him.
Sherry - Comment
Sherry17 Jul 2022Reply
I have used Advantage Multi on both of my cats for three months now and both cats have developed this horrible odor that they did not have before I started using it. One cat is nine years old, the other is three. Has anyone else noticed a smell with their cat?
Erica - Comment
Erica03 Aug 2022Reply
One of my cats started drooling really bad about an hour after treatment, but it only lasted a few minutes and she drank water and it cleared up. I have been monitoring her and she seems to be her normal self since. Another adult male lost his hair and has irritation at the site where Advantag II was applied. Should I not give them Advantage any longer, or maybe for a couple of treatments use the kitten dose even though they are adults?
Mhairi  - Comment
Mhairi 05 Dec 2022Reply
I'm in tears reading all your messages..sounds absolutely horrific!!!
I'm a very lucky owner of 14 beautiful kitties and need to get them all de-fleed and this has been a wake up call for us
I'm lost in what to do after seeing your very sad comments..I hope you're all well and tickity boo and all your kitties and dogs
I'm glad I found this site
Chris cypher - Comment
Chris cypher23 Jan 2023Reply
My 12 year old otherwise healthy cat within hours started vomiting, next day lethargic & won’t eat or drink. Day 2 loss of motor function, stumbling & hissing. Unfortunately it is the weekend & ER vets are far away & too expensive honestly. I am thinking & preparing for the worst. I am heartbroken. He was/is my best friend. So sad big pharmaceutical can get away with this. Pure poison. Watching my pet slowly slip away is torture. I realize this product works for many, but I will certainly seek a homeopathic flea treatment for any future pets I may own. If I ever decide to own another pet. Very angry/sad
Kathleen  - Comment
Kathleen 15 Feb 2023Reply
Does an *unopened* tube of Bayer advantage canine ever $/xpire or lose effectiveness with age
Cindy - Comment
Cindy22 Feb 2023Reply
Advantage II: just administered 3rd application following the summer months to my Siamese. A day later he's scratching and grooming obsessively. A few days later I notice massive hair loss all over his body like hot spots, however, no discoloration nor inflammation. The hair loss continues. The scratching continues - as the fleas are still alive and well! He's evidently having a bad reaction. Never again! Heartz flea collar did the same as the fur around his neck vanished (but grew back)... Collidal Silver in his water to help him through this, whenever that might be. In the future - DE in his food to deworm, perhaps Revolution...Glad I found this site! They need to put serious warnings on their packaging.
Garrett McCabe - Comment
Garrett McCabe12 kesäkuuta 2023Reply
I just used Advantage for cats on my pet Polly. Within 10 minutes she started acting unusual, dashing around my house. Polly was foaming at the mouth so excessive salivation. I was extremely worried and tried to round here up for an emergency Vet trip, but the symptoms subsided within five to ten minutes. I have used Advantage in the past without incident, but I guess she has become sensitized. I am researching alternatives.
Pat Byes  - Comment
Pat Byes 10 Nov 2023Reply
I was wondering if this medication can cause dogs to have moles grow on their body in different places.
Andrea Ribera - Comment
Andrea Ribera05 Feb 2024Reply
Advantage killed my cat! My dog is now sick and am praying for God to heal him in Jesus Name!!
Joy - Comment
Ilo14 Mar 2024Reply
Advantage caused my shihtzu heart rate to drop.

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