Pitäminen ja koulutus outo tai ainutlaatuinen eläin kuulostaa aina hauskaa. Uskon, että kaikki jossain vaiheessa tai toisella lapsuudessa ajattelin, että olisi hauska nostaa suden pentu, ajaa seepra tai kouluttaa python vartioimaan talon. Ei? Vain minä? No, minulla oli yliaktiivinen mielikuvitus. Joko niin, kuin aikuinen, olen tullut ymmärtämään mielettömyyttä tämän logiikan. Vaikka potta koulutus kotieläin voi olla haaste, miten tarkalleen saat simpanssin oppia sen päin wc? Kyllä suuret kädelliset ja mitään, mikä voisi saada sen päänsä repäistä raajat ja lyödä sinut kuoliaaksi ei aio tehdä paras eläin kumppani. Mutta eivät kaikki eksoottiset lemmikit ovat vaarallisia petoja. Tämänpäiväinen viesti on luettelo joistakin paras ja huonoin harvinaista eläimet kannattaa harkita domesticating.
Dangerous or Difficult Pet Choices
1. Big cats- While you might think owning an ocelot is pretty cool-- and you’re right, it totally is—the fact remains that large felines look at you as a meal that provides other meals. When it comes to exotic pets, it’s best to avoid anything that can crush you with its jaws or cut your arteries into ribbons with their claws. Try not to look at Mike Tyson as a role model, and stick with your garden variety house kitties.
2. Large/poisonous snakes- Pythons are surprisingly popular pets. And they are interesting looking reptiles. They’re great conversation starters, and they hardly ever eat anyone you care about. Unfortunately, most of them do grow to at least 10 feet long. Which is more than enough space to fit you in their bellies. Consequently, when they get that big a lot of pet owners decide to dispose of them. Which is why they are currently battling out with alligators to see who will be the apex predator of the Florida Everglades. Cue low budget sci-fi movie franchise.
3.Wolf dogs-So in case you weren’t aware, Wolf dogs are dog/wolf hybrids, like White Fang or Balto. These noble Jack London character canines are truly beautiful, and truly terrifying. They are responsible for more deaths and injuries than any other breed except pit bull terriers and Rottweilers, both of whom are about 10 times as populous. They’re big, strong, vicious, difficult to train, and extremely independent and fierce. Not exactly a winning combination when it comes to families with children.
4.Scorpions- What kind of games are we playing here? You want a poisonous arachnid that looks like it was built for death as a pet? Have fun with that. Of course, not all breeds of scorpion can kill you, but every single one can ruin your day with a sting. This is the least dangerous on our list, but still plenty trouble for an underprepared pet owner.
5.Primates-So Chimpanzees get to be about 150 lbs when full grown. However, they probably have the strength of a 500 lb man. Also they like to attack the face, fingers, and genitals of anything that they feel is a threat. And don’t get me started on the hygiene issues. Oy vey. Smaller primates aren’t as dangerous, but are just as much trouble. They’re thieving, mischievous, and dirty. So if you want to keep your kitchen (and face) free of feces, I’d recommend getting a ferret.
As you can tell, there are plenty of difficult and dangerous animals in the exotic pet arena. However there are some completely appropriate choices as well. Check back next week for an exploration on the safer side of exotic pets.